Our Story
A pioneer of sustainably based strategies for managing commercial office assets.
For over 25years The Furniture X-Change has been helping clients across the USA realize sustainable value in their office assets through pragmatic decommissioning best practices, certifiably sustainable liquidation, as well as extension of the life of commercial office furniture through re-manufacturing, re-allocation, resale and environmentally sound re-cycling.
The Furniture X-Change (TFX), is an industry leader across multiple sectors of sustainable asset management in the commercial office industry.
With dedicated divisions focused over three key pillars;
Commercial decommissioning and liquidations
In-house refurbishment and re-manufacturing
Office furniture reuse and allocation through installations in your own managed facilities, sales and charitable donations.
Our full-service team works with all stakeholders in your facilities and real estate management teams, managing projects through all stages, from the initial development of decommissioning plans or space design for a new facility, to final occupancy, and environmentally optimal disposition of assets that no longer have a use in your ongoing office installations. We are a true turnkey solution for all corporate office furniture asset management .
We apply decades of expertise across all three key pillars to help our clients plan, design and deliver, sustainable, cost effective and on-time office assets management solutions, that support the C-Suite’s ESG and Corporate Social Responsibility goals.
Since our inception we have been the industry leader and pragmatic partner to clients challenged by all facets of office assets management, and we were "green” before “green” ever equated to “sustainable”.